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Christ Church pre-school is a happy, fun place for your child to come and learn through play.  We offer high quality care and education for children aged from 2.5-5 years of age.

We are registered for up to 15 hours of free nursery sessions from the term after your child is 3 years of age and we offer limited places for free for two places.  Once your child is 3 years of age and is in receipt of funding, we ask for a voluntary contribution towards snack (£1.50 per week) and Forest School visits (£7 per session, usually once per month), please ask to see fee policy for more information.

At Christ Church we offer a high ratio of staff to children.  All staff are qualified to work in early years.  We have a close relationship with our parents/carers and welcome parent helpers. 

At snack time we offer a range of healthy foods or we may eat something we have made, milk and water is also available to drink.

We hope your child's time with us is a happy one and by learning through play they will become confident children and will be able to make that smooth transition through to their respective primary schools. 

We were graded outstanding by Ofsted in March 2016.  Please see the Ofsted website to read the full report. 

We work as part of a collaboration of other providers in Gravesham, supporting each other.  The Manager co-chairs a forum for nursery staff and reception children.

We have an accreditation in 'I can talk' which means we have training on recognising speech and language difficulties and can suggest possible solutions and strategies for coping with speech and language problems.  We work closely when needed with outside professionals.


'Learning to play, playing to learn.'

Our Values

  • We believe outside play is important and children have daily access to our garden.

  • We strongly believe in offering each child a chance to reach his or her full potential by providing an enabling environment tailored to your child's interests.

  • We believe in giving children life experiences which enable them to develop a strong sense of just, believe in themselves and a sense of being able to achieve.

We offer your child

  • Individual care and attention due to high staff ratio.

  • A key person for each child.

  • A curriculum designed by the department of education tailored to suit your child and that will enable him/her to move through the early years goals.

  • Lots of fun with adults and peers.

  • Always to keep you informed of your child's progress and of activities within our group.

  • To value our local community and the learning it offers to the children and make frequent visits to our local library and to points of interest in the area.

  • Visits to the forest at Shorne Country Park to hold a session in the outside wooded area on a regular basis.

Our aim is

  • To offer children a safe, warm and secure environment in which to play.

  • To operate at all times an equal opportunity policy. No child or adult will be excluded from our setting due to race, religion or gender.

  • To help children move forward and enhance their education. To work at the child's own pace and interests.

All children are supported within our setting in reaching their full potential.

Our key person system enables us to work closely with your child.  Completing written observations and gaining an insight into what your child likes and dislikes.  Helping us to plan a curriculum that is tailored for their needs.

We work towards the early learning goals, which are set nationally and prepare your child for school where they will continue working with those goals.

Birth to five matters

Birth to 5 Matters provides comprehensive guidance, drawing on previous guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which has been updated in order to reflect recent research, to meet the needs of practitioners, to respond to current issues in society, to meet the needs of children today and to lay a strong foundation for their futures.

The purpose of the guidance includes reaffirming core principles which recognise:

  • the child at the centre of practice

  • the child’s connections within family, communities, cultures and the natural world

  • the need to consider the whole child: physical, social and emotional wellbeing, health, and learning

  • the child’s rights as a member of society under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), including:

    • Non-discrimination (article 2)

    • Best interest of the child (article 3)

    • Goals of education (article 29)

    • Right to be heard (article 12)

    • Right to play (article 31)

    • Right to freedom of expression (article 13)

    • Right to freedom of thought, belief and religion (article 14)

    • Right for children with a disability to live a full and decent life (article 23)

    • Right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family (article 30)

  • the sector’s responsibilities under the United Nations Sustainability Goals and UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development

  • the statutory requirements of the SEND Code of Practice.


Birth to 5 Matters will support practitioners in all their statutory responsibilities within the EYFS areas of learning and development and educational programmes, and to help children make progress toward the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).

In some cases, the organisation of strands does not match the structure of the ELGs, where a more logical arrangement aligning with child development has been used. The “Characteristics of Effective Learning” does not include the word “teaching” because these refer to behaviours and dispositions of the child, not the adult. We have rephrased “Creating and thinking critically” to “Thinking creatively and critically” to place a stronger emphasis on the thinking skills that are central to the creative process. Support toward all ELG content is included in the guidance.

Our whole school ethos is based around child initiated play and allows children free access to indoor and outdoor activities. 

The Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS) is a statutory framework for setting standards in early years, pre-schools, day nurseries and with childminders.

The EYFS framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development.  Within the framework are 7 areas of learning and development, all areas are connected to one another.  The areas are divided into prime and specific areas.  Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the areas of learning and development.

Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first.  The prime areas are those most essential for your child's healthy development and future learning.   These prime areas are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development;

  • Communication and language; and

  • Physical development.

As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas.  These are:

  • Literacy;

  • Mathematics;

  • Understanding the world; and

  • Expressive arts and design.


These 7 areas are used to plan your child's learning and activities.  The professionals teaching and supporting your child will make sure that the activities are suited to your child's unique needs.  This is a little bit like a curriculum in primary and secondary schools, but it is suitable for very young children, and it is designed to be really flexible so that staff can follow your child's unique needs and interests.

Key Person

Each member of staff is a key person for a small group of children.  Supporting them and helping them to reach their full potential.  Having key people in our setting means that close bonds can be formed with children and their parents and carers.

All Children

Our pre-school is a fully inclusive practice.  All individuals are valued and respected.  All planning starts with observing your child in order to understand and consider their current needs, interests, development and learning style.  Helping children to reach their full potential.  If help is required with any additional needs then we have access to many outside agencies.

What to do

If you wish to put your child's name down on our waiting list, please contact Sue Reilly or Sue Wilkins or you can fill in the form on the application page.  

We recommend that you visit us during one of our morning sessions.  Please telephone to make an appointment on 07910 157480 (am only) or visit and follow the link to the pre-school

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